Monday, July 16, 2012

Keep Your Friends Close. Period.

There have been times in my life when, outside of family, I didn't have any friends. None. Since leaving the high school environment, I have found people who love me for all that I am, can respect what all I have gone through, and simply enjoy being around me (including when I have my Awkward-Annie moments). The following are those people:


Janna is my absolute best friend. We have lived together for more than two years and are more like sisters than merely friends. We have been told that we are two halves to the perfect whole: one is blonde, one is brunette (most days); one is quiet while the other is boisterous; one is books smart while one is street smart; one would rather play football while the other is more than happy to play video games. Janna and I have inside jokes that even we do not remember the origins of, we speak in silly accents to study for a test, and are always willing to have a piece of cake. But more than all of that, I know that Janna would have my back in any situation, no matter what. When I'm having a bad day, she is the first to tell me that everything will be okay and remind me that she will always support my decisions in life. Without Janna, I would have had a very different college career: I wouldn't have gained as much weight, I would have slept more, I wouldn't have spent as much money, but I would not have been nearly as happy!



Words will not be able to accurately describe Tyler. He is a big guy who looks like he should play football, but is happy when playing Dungeons and Dragons, instead. He is usually the loudest one in a group, but is able to talk quietly to his sisters while french-braiding their hair. He is never in short supply of sound effects or flattery, and uses them both as often as he can. Tyler calls me "Momma" but does his best to take care of me when I am being especially stubborn. There is no logical reason for why Tyler and I are such close friends, but from the moment we met, we clicked and have stuck together ever since.



John is Tyler's best friend, and has slowly become one of my close friends. John is taller than Tyler but is every bit as much of a gamer-geek. He puts up with my challenging personality and encourages a few of my antics just to see what kind of trouble I can get myself into. John also keeps an eye out for me, and while he knows that I can take care of myself, he tries to be protective over me.


I think the best explanation for why Jorge and I are friends is because we are not afraid to call the other one out. Jorge and I are probably the most alike personality wise out of my entire friends list. We both value our independence, are strong-willed, and stubborn to a fault. Having such strong personalities, it is often times intimidating for a person to tell us when we are doing something incredibly stupid. Jorge and I do not have that problem. I know that if he thinks I'm acting irrationally about something he will look me directly in the eyes and tell me so. Jorge and I know that we will always be honest with one another (even if the truth may hurt) because we respect each other too much to not express how we really feel.



When Norman and I hang out it is closely akin to "Ebony and Ivory." We look nothing alike, have different backgrounds, and have a different point of view about most things in life. Norman and I met the first day of college and have stuck together since. He calls me his Little Sister, and he is my Big Brother. He tries to make sure that I am taken care of, and I bring laughter into his life. He laughs at me when I tell him that certain words are funny to say (like cupcake, shingles, and bellybutton. Go ahead, say them slowly, and see if they don't sound funny!) He was my safe haven when I had roommate issues and needed a place to escape to. Norman and I are another example of "friends that have no reason to work but do."



Scott is the most recent friend out of this group, but he has still earned his place in the "Closest Friends" category. When Scott and I realized that we had a few classes together, we banded together to ensure better grades, but had no idea that we would also be cultivating a friendship. We helped each other stay alive during the hardest class of our program, but encouraged each other in different ways, too. While Scott and I are usually the ones that other people come to when they are having a problem, we know that we can talk to one another without feeling guilty about burdening another person with our problems. Scott was also doing his best to help me get into shape, but he soon found out that I like cake WAY better than I like a tiny waistline.

These six friends are the ones that I consider myself as having the closest relationships with. We all know that we support each other, respect each other, and at the very least make the other laugh. We do not have to talk everyday, every week, or every month. We can go long periods of time without actually seeing one another, but when we do finally get to be together, we know that there will definitely be hugs, laughter, a shoulder to lean on, and usually a few entertaining stories.
"I said you better get back I've got an army of good friends who would follow me to Hell and I've done the same for them!"

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Don't Let Grandma Play With My Gun!

Today's post will be all about those wonderful people that I call family. I figure that you need to know who I have grown up with, lived with, and gone through ups and downs with during most of my life to fully appreciate some of the posts that are sure to show up later.


My parents have been married for more than thirty years, which says a lot about them in itself. They are both hard-working, funny, smart, and overall great people. Daddy made sure that I knew right from wrong, and always did the right thing. Momma made sure that I was my own person, and able to take care of myself. They both wanted me to be able to think for myself and take care of myself in any situation, so I blame them for my stubbornness and independence. They are my support, and I know that I can count on them no matter what I'm going through in life.
"Momma tried to raise a lady, but Daddy won. He raised a lady that doesn't take crap from anyone!" 



Whether she knows it or not, I've always looked up to my sister. She is four years older than I am, beautiful, smart, witty and brave. She has always encouraged me to get out into the world and experience life, instead of simply being a wall-flower and watching life pass by. She is always armed with bravado, wit, and a sense of who she is. I've watched her bluff her way out of uncomfortable situations and end the day with everyone involved mesmerized with her. I honestly envy her no-fear attitude and wish I could be more like her. 


There for a long time, my brother (who is five years younger than me) was my best friend. My only friend.  He believes in me when it feels as if no one else cares. When I feel like a failure, I can go home and hug him, and know that someone honestly believes that I am a good person. Like my sister, he has that quick wit that can get them into trouble, but he manages to make people laugh at themselves, and is never at a loss for words. While he is bigger than me now, I still think of him as my baby brother, and would do anything for him. 


I have the cutest, sweetest, funniest, and smartest Mama ever. There is no competition. I know that she loves me unconditionally, and will support my decisions in life even if she doesn't exactly agree with them. I admire the way she has lived her life and managed her home. She raised three children under not-always-the-easiest circumstances, and has more common sense than anyone I know. We can have a good time just playing Scrabble, or by jumping up and down and scaring the birds and then laughing at ourselves. She is a magnificent woman and I love her with all my heart.
"I'm a hip old granny who can hip-hop, bebop, dance til you drop and yo yo, make a wicked cup of cocoa!"

Of course, I have other family members, but these are the five that I am closest to and who have had the greatest impact on my life. I love all of them, and know that I would have a hard time without each of them in my life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Basic Introduction

As you probably guessed from the name of this blog, I'm Katelyn. I like cupcakes, alligators, and believe that I could be Wonder Woman if I really wanted. Nothing out of the ordinary.
I have a fairly typical life, but every now and then I find myself in interesting situations with unique perspectives about life. This blog will share some of those experiences, my thoughts about random topics, rants about things that irk me, and anything else I can come up with. If you have any suggestions for what I should write about please let me know and I will do my best to incorporate them.