It has come to my attention that most of my posts have been about my life and experiences, and some of you want material that you can more readily identify with. As you wish...
Occasionally there are commonplace situations that other people accept as normal; however, these situations make me want to pull my hair out (you'll understand why that is significant if you read my post "I am a Trichster"). When these circumstances occur I raise my voice, my blood-pressure rises, I start using expansive hand gestures, my face turns colors. When I go into these fits my friends call it "Ranting with Katelyn!" and overall, it just isn't a pretty picture. On today's episode of Ranting with Katelyn we are discussing Mean Girls (and no, I'm not referring to the movie, although it does supply good examples of what I am talking about).
Occasionally there are commonplace situations that other people accept as normal; however, these situations make me want to pull my hair out (you'll understand why that is significant if you read my post "I am a Trichster"). When these circumstances occur I raise my voice, my blood-pressure rises, I start using expansive hand gestures, my face turns colors. When I go into these fits my friends call it "Ranting with Katelyn!" and overall, it just isn't a pretty picture. On today's episode of Ranting with Katelyn we are discussing Mean Girls (and no, I'm not referring to the movie, although it does supply good examples of what I am talking about).
If I were a betting woman, I would be willing to bet that everyone has known at least one Mean Girl in their life. Odds are that you have known more than one, as they tend to travel in packs, so I will not try to define what a Mean Girl is, exactly. What I'm more concerned with is why they feel the need to act the way they do: negative attitudes, rude and demeaning comments, and vicious forms of torture. Basically, Mean Girls are just bullies who use words, not violence, as their weapons.
Usually Mean Girls appear in middle or high school. They, along with the rest of the population at that age, are having a hard time figuring out who they are and where they fit in. Instead of dealing with their insecurities and issues, they form cliques and harass others. They pick on the loner who is too shy to make friends; they abuse the overweight girl in the locker room, and tell her to "put the cupcake down and walk away." They insult the tomboy by calling her a "slut" since she only has male friends; they label the boy with disabilities a "freak" because he isn't as physically able as most. I don't know about all of you, but I've experienced at least one of those situations (and others) and frankly, I'm tired of it. I think they need to grow up.
This is what I have to say to Mean Girls: Get over yourself. You are not the only person having a hard time. You are not the only one struggling to figure out who you are. You are not the only person to feel insecure about yourself; however, you are the person that is making everyone else's life that much harder. Trust me when I say that we have our own problems to deal with without you making us feel even worse about our insecurities. We know that we may not be the prettiest girl in school, but we don't need your help to make us feel like the ugliest, either. We know that we aren't the skinniest girl, but there is no need for you to prance around in your size 2 mini-skirt when we already feel inadequate in our size 12 dress. Basically, just stop. Stop terrorizing other people to make yourself feel better, and stop tormenting those who are having a rough time as it is. Instead, focus on loving yourself, and dealing with all of your uncertainties. Actually make your life better instead of feeling better about it because you are making those around you truly miserable.
While it would be wonderful if every Mean Girl took this advice and tried to improve themselves, I am realistic and know that it will not happen; however, that doesn't mean that all of the other people have to just sit back and deal with all of the nasty, hateful things that Mean Girls do. I guarantee that there are more people who feel like they are alone than there are Mean Girls when they are in cliques. If the "loners" all banded together and supported one another, they could diminish the power that Mean Girls have and ultimately feel better about themselves sooner. It's like when the 84 band kids cower in the corners of the hallway because 5 popular kids mock them. That makes absolutely no sense to me. If everyone who is suffering comes together to take down those who are making them suffer, then the world should be a better place. Now, this is not to say that you should become a Mean Girl yourself, but that you should stand up for yourself and not let anyone tell you that you are worthless.
If you can't form a support group to defend yourself, do not worry. You aren't alone. It is one of the toughest thing in life to do, to take down that constant negative force harping at you. But take comfort in knowing that this will not last forever. High school will eventually end, and you will blossom into the magnificent person that you were meant to be, no matter what people from your past have told you. I think Taylor Swift said it best in her song "Mean" when she said that someday you will be the better person, and they will still just be mean.
If this post has hit close to home for you (whether you identify with the Mean Girls or those being picked on) and would like to talk, please feel free to comment, or message me. I will do my best to give you a hug and a juice-box, and help you through whatever tough time you are dealing with.
While it would be wonderful if every Mean Girl took this advice and tried to improve themselves, I am realistic and know that it will not happen; however, that doesn't mean that all of the other people have to just sit back and deal with all of the nasty, hateful things that Mean Girls do. I guarantee that there are more people who feel like they are alone than there are Mean Girls when they are in cliques. If the "loners" all banded together and supported one another, they could diminish the power that Mean Girls have and ultimately feel better about themselves sooner. It's like when the 84 band kids cower in the corners of the hallway because 5 popular kids mock them. That makes absolutely no sense to me. If everyone who is suffering comes together to take down those who are making them suffer, then the world should be a better place. Now, this is not to say that you should become a Mean Girl yourself, but that you should stand up for yourself and not let anyone tell you that you are worthless.
If you can't form a support group to defend yourself, do not worry. You aren't alone. It is one of the toughest thing in life to do, to take down that constant negative force harping at you. But take comfort in knowing that this will not last forever. High school will eventually end, and you will blossom into the magnificent person that you were meant to be, no matter what people from your past have told you. I think Taylor Swift said it best in her song "Mean" when she said that someday you will be the better person, and they will still just be mean.
If this post has hit close to home for you (whether you identify with the Mean Girls or those being picked on) and would like to talk, please feel free to comment, or message me. I will do my best to give you a hug and a juice-box, and help you through whatever tough time you are dealing with.