Thursday, December 12, 2013

You Can, But I Can't?

Did you know that it is impossible for two people to be tired at the same time?
Oh yeah, it's true.
Nearly every time I mention to someone that I'm tired, they question me about my activities, then state what they have done and why they are tired, and that therefore I should have no reason to be so worn out.

Example: I had worked a 12-hour day, gone to classes, did 4 loads of laundry and lots of dishes, gone to a program for my residence hall, stayed up working on regular homework as well as my Senior Thesis, and gone to the gym. All of this on 3 hours of sleep. 
When a friend asked how I was doing, I simply replied, "I'm good. Tired, but good."
Without missing a beat, he says, "You're tired?! YOU'RE tired?! I've gone to classes, worked on an art project, and still haven't had my afternoon nap. I'M the one who is tired."

Now, I have no right to judge this guy. Maybe he needs more sleep to function well; maybe he was having a bad day and was just crabby; maybe he had no concept of how hard other people work and was unaware that the world does not revolve around him. Who knows. What I do know is that, even though he was tired, I was also exhausted. Just because he experienced fatigue didn't mean that I was exempt from it.

So, maybe I should have used my *Sarcasm Font* at the beginning of this post when I mentioned that it's impossible for two people to be tired at the same time. But that's how a lot of people make it seem: they are tired, so there is no way for you to also be tired.
What the heck kind of ridiculous rule is that?! Lots of people work hard, and they all deserve to rest and relax. Just because someone worked in a different way than you doesn't mean that they worked any less than you, or that they should be less tired than you. The thought that we are in competition to see who is "Truly Tired" because only one of us deserves to be so sleepy is preposterous to me.

I guess I don't have a lot to say for this particular post. This isn't philosophical and doesn't require a lot of deep thinking, I know. But it is something to consider.  You being tired doesn't cancel out another person being tired. Why are you the only one allowed to be worn out? Isn't it possible (and dare I say even probable) that more than one person has worked hard and is in need of rest? Think about that the next time you start to condemn another person for stating how tired he or she is, instead of trying to prove why you are the one who has the right to be tired.

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