The New Year.
A lot of people make resolutions for how they intend to make themselves better people once the new year starts. Others see this as a time to start over with a clean slate. Some people continue to live their lives as if nothing but the date has changed. Celebration (or non-celebration in some cases) is completely individualized.
Personally, I am typically one of those people who only see New Years as a change of the calendar. I can't remember a time when I made resolutions, or when I thought of January 1st as the beginning of a new era for me. For the purpose of this blog, though, I'm considering an alternative route.
A significant number of people I know are doing the "Truth is" posts, or "Ask me anything" questions on Facebook. This will be my version. To start the new year, you can ask me something you've always wanted to know. About my experiences, beliefs, quirks. Whatever you're curious about. You can ask and I'll answer.
So, this is my clean slate. Anything you want to know, comment and ask your question. I can't wait to see what kind of questions you come up with for me to answer.
Good luck to all those who made resolutions!
What's better: a great white shark who can play XBox or a hippopotamus for Christmas?