Saturday, April 20, 2013

I Don't Have Time for "Perfect"

I'm one of those people that tries her absolute best on everything she does. I push past realistic boundaries until I've done all I can physically do to complete a task; that being said, I am nowhere near perfect. I have a temper, my hair is usually a mess, I forgive too quickly but have trouble trusting people, I wear my emotions on my sleeves, I pull my hair out when I get nervous, I drive too fast, and I can't find shirts that fit right. Like I said, I'm not even close to being perfect, but I try to do the best with what I have.

Maybe all of the aforementioned faults are what make me so annoyed when I see someone who is "Perfect." (Yes, I know that no one is *actually* perfect, but there are those people who would have you think otherwise...) Their hair is always in place, their makeup is flawless, their teeth are straight and bleached white, their clothes are always neat, their manicure is on point, their life is completely organized and everything seems to be going right for them.

There are two reasons that people like this get under my skin.
1. Their life really is as good as it seems. They haven't had to endure the hardships that most other people have gone through, and they don't know what it's like to have a hard time. Everything has been handed to them on a silver platter and they haven't had to experience the "downs" that come with life.
If that's the case, then we have absolutely nothing in common. You will not understand the struggles that I've gone through to make me the person I am, when you were born as a shining star.


2. Their life is just as hard as the rest of ours, but they aren't comfortable enough with themselves to show who they really are. They spend hours preparing themselves, and putting on this facade so that other people will think better of them. Now, don't get me wrong: there is nothing wrong with dressing up and having your life together; however, if you spend more time making it look like your life is together than you do actually living your life, then what's the point? You are more invested in what others think instead of how you feel about you. You feel like you aren't good enough to show what you consider your "dark side" (your stubbornness, singing off key, going without makeup, whatever it may be) because it isn't the absolute best.

I may not be perfect, but I'm always me. I'm real. I'm sweet, I'm stubborn, I dance while driving my car, I laugh too loud, I sound like a pterodactyl when I hiccup, I get my feelings hurt and my life is an Awkward Turtle. But you can always count on me being me. Are you always you?

"Today you are you, That is truer than true. There is no one alive Who is youer than you."
Dr. Seuss

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