Thursday, October 31, 2013

In a Game of "Truth or Dare" I Always Picked Truth

I have never been described as brave.
Sure, I've been described as timid, backwards, awkward, and nervous. But never brave. And I kind of hate that. I wish I had the courage to do things boldly.

Now, I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm a coward. I'm just cautious. I don't take unnecessary risks when there is clearly a safer route. For example, a few years ago when we all went on vacation, my sister went bungee jumping. Instead of going with her, I waited on the ground and just watched.That's just how I've always done things. But every once in a while, things need shaken up.

Here is where I need your help.
I'm leaving it up to my readers. I'm hoping to get at least 10 comments about something I should do that would show me as being brave. Of course, they can't be ridiculous stunts where someone could get hurt, but suggestions on activities for me to improve my bravery. Once I get a decent amount of suggestions, I'll start working on completing those tasks and will keep you updated. But this way, I know that I'm accountable for reporting back to you about my challenges, so I am more likely to be brave than I would if it was just me.

Okay, so maybe this is the Psych major coming out in me doing a social experiment, but I'm kind of excited to see what you come up with.


  1. Go skydiving with your cousins.

  2. Rock climb with D'ante and make it to the top

  3. Ask someone on a date, someone who yhou would never in a million years think about asking, be totally random!
