In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that I think of myself as Wonder Woman. Now, I know that some of you smirked, shook your heads and thought of how silly I was; others simply scoffed at my comparison, and a few people nodded their heads because they could see the similarities. To those head-nodders, I thank you for believing in me. To everyone else, this post is dedicated to showing you that I truly am Wonder Woman.
The following are characteristics of Wonder Woman and explanations of how I portray them.
(Remember that I am not always in my uniform, so these demonstrations may seem tame, but they should not be taken lightly....)
Super Strength
I have never been one of the girls to let a guy take care of things for me. I play along when he is being a gentleman, but I cannot think of an instance where I let a guy carry something for me because he thought I couldn't do it. I was the first girl to be part of the Loading Crew in marching band because I was the only one strong enough to handle the instruments. I can carry three backpacks, weighing more than 60 pounds each, without breaking a sweat. When my lung kept collapsing, I carried on with my regularly scheduled activities (including band and choir groups) for two weeks before telling anyone that I was in pain and needed to go to the hospital. If these examples don't scream "Super Strength" then I don't know what does...
Super Speed
I can't help that I am a speed-demon in my 1993 Thunderbird. First off, you have a car that sits so low to the ground, has a sleek body style, and then you paint it red?! Of course I'm going to speed when I drive it!
I hate the thoughts of walking slowly. I took a PE class dedicated to nothing but walking, and had to leave the group and walk on my own because I was walking too fast for the other girls. A more recent example would take place while I was working with the Upward Bound program this past summer: I broke my foot and had to wear a Walking Boot (which is basically a glorified cast) but still walked faster than the healthy teenagers around me. My co-workers and I actually said, "If Katelyn if walking faster than you are, with her in the boot, there is definitely something wrong!"
Super Stamina
I have always been an overachiever. From elementary school, to middle school, all the way through high school and college. I give my absolutely best effort to accomplish the task set before me. This became quite time consuming once I was in college. I was taking at least 15 hours of classes every semester, working two jobs, maintaining my status on the Dean's List, and I still managed to have time for friends every now and again; however, this did not leave time for much sleep. At all. I would sleep as late as I could on the weekends, but would go days without sleep during the week. I went to classes during regular school hours, worked during the evenings, and stayed up all night completing my assignments. I believe that my ability to go days without sleep and still function at the level I did (and have a smile on my face) proves that I have Super Stamina.
Super Agility
Some people reading this are thinking to themselves "She can't possibly come up with examples of Super Agility. Not Katelyn!" I can understand you doubting my agility due to a few events in my life that were not so graceful (such as breaking my foot while playing hide-and-seek. Who does that?!). But let me assure you that this is another Superhero trait that I possess.
If you have known me any time at all, the odds are good that you have noticed me wearing high heels. I love high heels. Usually the higher the heel, the happier I am. I don't just put on a pair of heels and sit down to work. No. No no. I can walk for hours in my heels: from touring college campuses, to trying to find that off-Broadway theater somewhere downtown I love wearing high heels. I can even run in them. Yes, that's right, I run in my 5-inch stilettos and never falter. I dare you to find any sorority girl who can out-walk me in heels.
Weapons and Combat Training
Whenever I am out and about, I am carrying three weapons with me, on average. Sometimes more, but hardly ever less. I am one of those girls who enjoys playing with knives, and whose eyes light up when one of the guys presents a new pistol for her to shoot. I feel like if I go into any more detail about my weapons that someone with legal authority will come knocking on my door to ask me A LOT of questions, so I'm just going to stop there...
Now, I don't go out looking for fights, but I have had to defend myself on occasion. I have had several self-defense courses, and excelled at them. I have even worked with the police department to help them train their female cadets. I have fought opponents who were bigger than me, when they out-numbered me, and when I was physically trapped. And yet I was determined enough to beat them, and had the training to do so. Like I said, I do not condone going out and trying to start a fight, but if I have to, I know that I am more than capable of taking care of myself.
Weakness of Having Her Hands Tied by Man
If you know anything about Wonder Woman, you know that her one weakness is having her hands bound by a man. If this should happen, she loses all of her superhero powers, and is just ordinary Diana.
Brace yourself. I'm going to get metaphorical on this one.
I'm single. I've been single for most of my life, and the one time I did have a boyfriend he was in the military and I never saw him, so it was basically like I was single, anyway. Subconsciously, this is my way of avoiding my Wonder Woman weakness. If I do not have a boyfriend, then I will not be tied-down by some guy. I can do what I want, spend my money how I want, and just have a good time without having to worry about what the guy thinks. So even though friends and family have tried to set me up on dates, perhaps I am meant to be single so that I can continue to carry out my Wonder Woman responsibilities.
I think I've done an excellent job of proving that I am, indeed, Wonder Woman; however, if you still don't believe me, just look at the picture below. You know that a picture is worth a thousand words. :)
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